Monday, January 29, 2018

New Perspective

I've talked a lot about going back to school in My Novel Freshman Experience posts here.  I've given my first workshop on Finding Your Sequel, talking about trying new things.

And I've sold my first article about trying something new.  If you're an RWA member, it's in the February issue.  If you're not, let me sum it up...try new stuff.  It will make your life better.
Yes, you can see why I'm a writer, right?  LOL

But that, in essence, is the theme of the article, the blog posts...and my enthusiasm for going back to school.  I've known for a while that I wanted to try pottery.  I have a nice collection of stoneware that I love.  I wrote about a potter in Just One Thing.  And I was inspired while I worked on some ceramic wooden spoons to write a short story, appropriately entitled, Spoons.  (Sign up for my newsletter and read it for free for Valentine's!)

I hope you find something new to try this year.  Something new that enriches your life.  Something that makes you see the world in a new light.  Something that gives you...well, glee!  


PS. Talk about going back to school...Check out my PTA Mom Trilogy.  Three Single Moms.  Three Holidays.  Three Love Stories!

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